
Quality improvements in Google Places API

Google is putting its best foot forward for those accessing its Places API. To provide better search results,that more closely reflect those on With that goal in mind, we’ve integrated the Places API with Google Maps search. We’re pleased to offer more consistent search results across Maps and the Places API, which results in better overall search quality for API responses.

In conjunction with this change, google also modifying how they support place type restrictions in the Places API web service and JavaScript library. Beginning Feb 16, 2016, google replacing the types restriction parameter with a new type search parameter. If you have been using the types parameter for Nearby Search, Text Search or Radar Search you will be affected.

Major Changes:

Type search works similarly to types restriction, but it only supports one type per request.

Requests using the types parameter and those specifying multiple types (for example,types=hospital |pharmacy |doctor) will continue to return results until Feb 16, 2017, but we do not recommend using multiple types in a search request. After that date, requests with multiple types will no longer be supported. To ensure the best possible search results for your users, we recommend using a single type in search requests. Said by google into developer blog.

Using the new type search feature is straightforward. Here is an example of a Text Search request:

Places API

In addition, google is amending the list of supported types. The types establishment, food, health, general_contractor, finance and place_of_worship, will not be available as searchable types from Feb 8, 2017. However these types will still be returned in search and details results.

What Developer have to do:

As google have given lot time to change the implemented code of Google Place API. Change your code to get newer effect.

While we are on the topic, why don’t you also hit the comments section and tell us how you feel about google is removing multiple type search results and all its changes.

Jay Prakash Kumar

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